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NP Products - Deepol - Model#450
SKU: 450
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A fast way of measuring accurately the true quill travel by reading it on a precision long travel dial indicator.
- Install In Seconds
- Clamps Securely Without Machine Changes
- Covers the 5" Quill Travel
- Does Not Interfere With Fine Feed Wheel
- Speeds Operations
- Eliminates Errors
The DEEPOL Consists Of Two Components
1. One Dial Indicator Clamp that mounts on the 1-1/2" diameter quill stop (positively solid with the quill) by means of only one 1/4" screw. This component can stay permanently mounted. A 3/8" diameter slotted hole can receive all standard indicator stems.
2. One Adjustable Rod Clamp Assembly that mounts on the machine quill housing by means of a pressure screw fitted with a 1" diameter knurled knob.This assembly is readily in position and can be removed when not needed. There is no interference with the standard parts or other functions of the mill...